Monday, 17 January 2011

Uses Of Intertextuality
Intertextuality is using or manipulating ideas from other media, to then be used in their own media context. This is usually used to show respect towards the owner or the original 'aritist' etc. and is usually referred to as 'Homage or Hommage'. 
Psycho's famous shower scene is the perfect example of intertextuality. It is usually this particular scene, other movies tend to revolve around; examples of this include, What lies Beneath, The Stepfather, Fatal Attraction and the student movie, Succubus.

What Lies Beneath is one of the movies which take place and constantly revolve around the famous bathroom scene. As we interpret her left paralysed in a running bath, we are shown images of her fingers curled up along the rim of the bath tub and her eyes staring motionless are all sections used from the iconic shower scene from Psycho.

The Stepfather is also another prime example of the use of intertextuality, through the use of an injured character pulling down the shower curtain through his own weight, also after being stabbed in the shower. 
Fatal Attraction uses shadows in the same way Psycho did. Fatal Attraction Also used a very similar kitchen knife to that of Pyscho and a scene which is held in the bathroom, with a women pressed up against the window.

Succubus is using the exact same soundtrack that was being used in Psycho, both the movies will were held in the bathroom, they both had a scene where the victim was stabbed to death with the same type of knife from Psycho.

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